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Life: It Keeps Goin' On

Hey Guys! Sorry to say, I have yet to do another post on the photo challenge. :( However, there were actually two objectives for doing the photo challenge.

1. Using my camera more, and learning more about photography.

2. Bloggin' more. I decided I would make myself post on here every time I had a photo for the challenge. :) So far so good!

Okay, so back to this post.

Life. It definitely keeps going on.

Regardless if we want it to or not. Haha, yesterday it officially sunk in that I had 2 weeks left of high school, before I graduate. Uh yeah. My thoughts exactly. Two weeks and I will no longer be doing what I have been doing for the past 12 years of my life. It's quite exciting, but slightly freaky at the same time.

I think that I have gotten over most of the freaky stressy (not a word, i know.) part of finishing school. Well actually, I don't know. I am sure everything is not smooth sailing from now on. I just mean that I am okay with not "Knowing What I Am Doin' With My Life" right out of high school. :)

The only thing I know for sure is that God's got my back. He knows what amazing things He has planned for me in the near future. As much as I would love to know, it's probably better that I don't. I would just have more and more questions, not even saying anything about doubts. Ha. God's timing is perfect. Oh but believe me, I hardly ever remember this. Especially when life seems too tough to handle. I forget, ohhh so many times that it's not for me to handle. But for me to let of, into God's hands.

The picture above was the usual for me most school days. Well, the mug not so much. :) The pen and pencil in my hand, yes so much! My T-Shirt is one of my favorites. It was a hand-me-down from one of my big sisters. The quote says:

"Life is Fragile, Handle with Prayer".

It's so true, yet so hard to remember. We automatically default to freaking out mode when something horrible happens, or when we think it's about to happen, and don't just pray about it.

I am growing a lot right now, in this part of my life. Hard? Oh, yeah! But I know that God is going to get me through each situation I'm gonna face just like He has for the past 18 years of my life. It's so encouraging knowing Someone is always taking care of you.

Hey, and you know what?! He will do the same for you too. Maybe your going through a difficult time in your life, and you don't have any idea what will happen next? Well, remember this:

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6

Please comment or email me with any thoughts or questions you might have. I want to share with others what God has done in my life, how my relationship with Him has made all the difference in my life, and I would love to pray for you as well. :)

He loves you, oh so much!

13 days left and I will be done! Life: It Keeps Goin' On.

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