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hey friends!

its tori!

my photography name is DiMaria


pronounced: di-mary-uh


reason behind the name:

my mom’s maiden name is DiMariano and I wanted to use it partly to keep it in the family, and the other part to honor my sicilian grandparents who are no longer here.


my favorite drink is kombucha - ahhhhh it's such a good drink!


i am the 8th of 10 kids in my family. yes it’s a blast!


i’ve been singing and playing the piano since i was 6 years old. piano was self taught for the most part, with a little help from some of my siblings. most of my family is actually pretty musical.


i work as a clerk in the storefront of a sweet bakery down the street from me. i get to meet and work with some pretty cool people.


i nanny a pretty cool little guy once a week and we have a blast every single time.


i live in milwaukee, wisconsin.

would love to visit colorado, sicily and ireland at one point of my life.


humans are my favorite subject to photograph.


i am convinced that i have some of thee most coolest friends, i’m so grateful for everyone that God has blessed me with so far and can’t wait to meet you and get to know you too!


i have a relationship with my Creator and nothing means more to me than that.

all i really want is that my life would be loving to everyone i meet, just as Jesus’ was when He was here on earth as a man.


i apologize for basically giving you a book to read, and if you made it down this far,

ayyyyy we could maybe be friends! haha anyway, thanks and let me know if you wanna know any other random thing about me!


i'm starting a collective of different things i create and sell. nothing up on the site yet, just something i've been throwing around in my head for a bit. dimaria collective tends to be what i write on any art i make and give to someone, it just makes more sense that way. :)


if your interested in how this will go down, come and stop by my website and check for updates, or enter your email, which no doubt is shorter than mine, in the box below and i'll let you know as soon as i know of anything new! 


thanks so much! - tori




I don't like forever long emails either!

Short, sweet + cool email updates just from me :)

© 2018 dimaria photography
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