52 Week Photo Challenge // Week 9: Still Life
This weeks photo challenge is dedicated to my little brother, as well as my nieces or nephews that did not live long enough to be held and named, brought up and cherished. But instead are being held, named, brought up and cherished by their loving Creator.
I'll have to warn you, this is kind of a sad post. Not intentionally of course, but I don't think I can think of this without being sad.
The first thing I thought of when seeing this week's challenge was all those little ones who never lived long enough to meet their family, to see the Lords creation, or to experience all that we experience in life. I know that they're in the best place they can be, with the Lord, but I still wanted to make a point of remembering them. If only for the sake of the ones who carried these little ones inside of them, and had to experience the pain.
I do have to say, this is not only for the ones I previously named, but for anyone that has gone through this. As well as the little ones that weren't given a chance to live completely in their mothers womb.
Yes it's heart-wrenching to see someone experience a miscarriage, but it's sickening to think of all the little ones who are never even given a chance to live.
I just recently pinned a pin on Pinterest. It was relating to the Holocaust:
"If we held one minute's silence for every victim of the Holocaust, we would be silent for eleven and a half years."
My sister commented that if we would be silent for all the babies aborted, it would probably be for our entire life.
I realized that the difference between these two horrific things in life was the fact that one is history and one still happening. Every day.
It's not okay. Although I may not be able to physically stop abortion from happening, I can pray for the parents of those little ones. That God would stop them from doing it, or that should it happen, that God would use it for the salvation of those people.
So this is my photo for this challenge. Still life. The due date for my sister's baby.

Please make a point to pray for all involved in situations like this. It's not something that should be taken lightly. Or forgotten about.
Sorry for the somewhat depressing post this week, just thought it was necessary. Looking forward to next week's challenge!
I hope your enjoying the photos. Hey, if you want to see other photos, check out the Pinterest Board I am pinning to with my friends. :)
Also, all credits from the photo challenge were originally from Dogwood Photography here is the link.
Talk to you guys next week!