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52 Week Photo Challenge // Week 8: One Shot

Hey there! I'm back again and ready to show you the next challenge!

It was snowing out, and my mom had asked me to take a picture of the snow covered trees down our road. After waiting and waiting for there to be no cars, I finally got a couple pics. Although not exactly how I wanted them to turn out. I was a little wary about stepping into our very busy and snowy road to take a picture. Next time I will for sure! Anyway, while I was out there, I figured I might as well find something to capture for this challenge. I decided on this scene, because it applied to the sense of our weather. By the way, our weather makes no sense. Haha. Last Wednesday I went to youth group, and played kickball outside! It really seemed like "Spring had Sprung"... Mid-Winter. :) I was excited!

Obviously our ground needed more beautiful white color added to it. Because not long after playing kickball outside in 70°, it was raining, and then snowing! Yay. I guess. :)

So despite the coldness setting back in, we have tulips growing! I thought it would be ironic to see tulip leaves almost full grown, with snow in front of it. So here you go!

Here are a few other photos I took while outside this same day. Maybe it'll help ya get the right perspective on what it actually looked like outside! Haha.

Beautiful, right?!

I hope your enjoying the photos. Hey, if you want to see other photos, check out the Pinterest Board I am pinning to with my friends. :)

Also, all credits from the photo challenge were originally from Dogwood Photography here is the link.

Talk to you guys next week!

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